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Beata Elementary School Principal Fernando N. Magalang and staff pose for a photo with Mapúa administrators after signing a Memorandum of Understanding in Pandacan, Manila

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Zamora Elementary School Principal Dr. Helen B. Bautista shakes hand with a Mapúa administrator upon signing a Memorandum of Understanding in Pandacan, Manila

Snippets News

Mapua and partner schools arrest learning crisis in PH with ‘Mapua Snippets,’ a free digital education tool for all

September 1, 2024

Mapúa University, a renowned learning institution in the country and a recognized global leader in education, takes the lead in reversing the depressing learning poverty experienced among many Filipino children by building a free and accessible digital education tool, Mapúa Snippets.

According to the data of World Bank and UNESCO, the learning poverty in the Philippines reached a whopping 90.9% as of June 2022—suggesting that if to be presented with age-appropriate text, nine in every ten 10-year-old Filipino children would neither read nor understand the material. School closures and prolonged lockdowns caused by the COVID-19 pandemic only worsened this problem, making it a full-blown nationwide crisis.

In response, the University’s Mapúa Snippets are three-to-five-minute video lectures on subjects English and Mathematics, accompanied by a fun and interactive instructional design that are intended to enrich young minds by covering two of the Most Essential Learning Competencies as specified by the Department of Education.

Notably, the impact of this initiative extends beyond the walls of its platform as it also directly contributes to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals—specifically SDG 4 (Quality Education), SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities), and SDG 17 (Partnership for the Goals). This alignment with global priorities has been instrumental in attracting schools to collaborate with the University.

With the objective of bringing Mapúa Snippets to public elementary schools all over the country in a span of six months, from July 2024 to January 2025, Mapúa has successfully visited various partner schools in Manila, Isabela, and Apayao, and still has quite an exciting journey ahead in providing free, relevant educational materials to more localities.

As a higher educational institution that is always building the future, Mapúa University hopes to encourage more parents, guardians, and teachers of school-aged children to take advantage of Mapúa Snippets, along with its other ongoing campaigns for its upcoming centennial year.

To learn more about Mapúa’s Centennial Year campaigns, click here.

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